Skillshot based heroes are also prevalent when paired with this script: Karthus, Xerath, and Cassiopea are some of its best users. One of the ways to counter this is by getting extremely close to the scripting champion so that the hitbox is impossible to miss via any form of movement this is assuming that the enemy champion has around 400 move speed, which means that the champion hitbox cannot mathematically maneuver in a way that it avoids abilities. The champions mentioned above will usually deal insane amounts of damage, sometimes even pairing up with an enchanter to gain even more access to damage through items like Ardent Censor and Zeke's Reverence. As such, the script allows users to build entirely offensive because the script will nullify any necessity for defensive stats. Kiting with scripts is nearly perfect, making it very hard for the opponents even to get close to or scratch the scripter. These scripts are mainly used by auto-attack based marksman like Twitch, Kog' maw or Kalista. Pretty much all scripts can be divided into three types: As such, we do not associate with nor promote the use of scripts. The scripts are equal to a brilliant AI or bot playing in your place and are comparable to an aimbot/wallhack exploit in shooters like Counter-Strike. Scripting is a form of cheating in League of Legends the scripts give users an unfair, landslide advantage over any other ordinary player.